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Deadly Resonse (The Jake Stryker Series Book 1) Page 2

  “Mister I owe you. This is so terrible.”

  “Take care of your friend. We will talk soon.”

  Riley handed back the .45 as the sirens drew closer.


  New York City, New York


  Stryker drove back to his condo and parked in the garage. He put on a coat to cover the dirt and blood. Once inside, he showered quickly and dressed in clean clothes then found his satellite phone and called Ryan Sparks.

  “Ryan, call me on the secure phone, we have a situation.”

  Stryker’s phone buzzed and he pushed the talk button.

  “What’s happened? Is Riley hurt?”

  “No she is fine considering five men tried to abduct and kill her and her partner Ann Connors.

  Riley says they were working on a task force. We need to get a handle on this mess quickly.”

  “Jake, what about Ann?”

  “Not good, they beat her badly. She may die. Riley will be questioned and she may use your name to explain my involvement. She has no idea who I am and you will need a story when they call.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll cover it. Most likely, the FBI will put her in a safe place until they debrief her and start an investigation. I will catch a flight to New York.”

  “Stay there. I called Herb, I am going to Dulles and we are on our way to you. We will call from the air when we are an hour out.”

  “We have other problems. Daniel’s family was attacked while on vacation and he suspects Russian involvement,” said Stryker.

  “Who called?”

  “Herb told me when I called him about Riley and Ann.”

  Daniel was the head of Israeli Intelligence and did business with Alpha Security involving Israel and the United States. Miller owned Alpha, a large military contractor who helped Israel find and kill an Iranian terrorist in the past year. Afterward, Miller and Daniel had become close friends. Miller took the attack on Daniel’s family personally.

  “I can’t believe it,” said Sparks.

  “Do you have details?”

  “Apparently there is a popular resort where the family was vacationing. Daniel’s granddaughter was seriously injured and the others sustained minor injuries. Mossad believes the Russians might be involved but no group has claimed responsibility. Daniel wants the killers found.”

  Since the battle in Afghanistan Stryker worried the Russians would come after him and those responsible for killing the Iranian terrorist Ali Shirazi and the Russian Aleksey Fedorov.

  Stryker was glad he had spent time preparing for contingencies. He owned mineral rights to over 12,000 acres of land in North Dakota thanks to his mother’s estate. His oil income allowed him tremendous flexibility. He formed offshore accounts along with five different identities. With Alpha’s help, he equipped the farm in Berryville with sophisticated electronics, armored walls and escape tunnels. He leased safe houses in strategic cities around the world allowing him to operate off the grid. No one had the details of his safe houses.

  A secret was no secret if even one other person knew.


  Phoenix, Arizona


  Stryker arrived at Signature Flight FBO at Dulles in time to see Alpha’s Falcon 50 on the ramp. He paid the cab driver and went inside the terminal watching the cab as it departed. Stryker did not want the driver to see which plane he was meeting. Once the cab was out of sight, Stryker boarded the Falcon.

  Inside the cabin, Stryker was greeted by Herb Miller who introduced him to the flight crew. The pilots received clearance and the Falcon was on its way to Phoenix. Stryker and Herb sat in the back of the airplane each with a drink and began discussing the attack on Daniel’s family. Like many attacks, the bomb had been designed for maximum casualties. The extent of Russian involvement had not yet been disclosed to Herb.

  “What does Daniel want us to do about the Russians?” asked Stryker.

  “Rachel and Sara are coming to meet with us in a couple of days to explain,” said Herb.

  Rachel Cohen and Sara Sameth worked for the Mossad’s elite killing squad known as Kidon. Both agents had been involved in the hunt for the Iranian terrorist along with Stryker, Miller, and Sparks. Rachel and Stryker had more than a working relationship but it was terribly complex. Rachel and Sara were like sisters sharing one common trait, both were deadly killers.

  “Maybe Sparks has updated information for us,” suggested Herb.

  “Yeah, Sparks will have details I can almost guarantee. The CIA will be all over an attack on Daniel’s family,” said Stryker.

  For the balance of the flight, Stryker rested and Herb went up front and visited with his pilots. He wanted the plane to wait inside a hangar until they returned from Sedona. Herb’s plan was to fly to New York and then back to Washington DC.

  The Falcon 50 landed at the Sky Harbor International Airport and taxied to Cutter Aviation. Ryan Sparks waited in a van in the secure parking area. He blinked his lights twice and in minutes everyone entered his vehicle and went to his waiting helicopter for the short flight to Sedona. No one spoke during the flight due to the noise.

  Once in Sedona, Jackie, Ryan’s longtime girlfriend and partner in Spark’s Aviation, helped them get settled. They met in the hangar office and Sparks started discussing events.

  “First, thanks for protecting Riley,” said Sparks.

  “Not a problem, have you identified those men in the park?”

  “We believe they were a team, ISIS perhaps or cartel. Some may be homegrown. We will know more after the bodies are processed,” replied Sparks.

  Sparks filled them in on information about the resort bombing and the Russians. The Agency has no solid evidence about the group behind the bombing. The Russians remain at the top of the list since Propov was involved in Afghanistan and Iranian terrorist funding.

  Vadim Propov was a former KGB officer managing the Afghanistan drug trade tied to Steven Petloki, a partner with Jason Branch, the Vice President of the United States. Both lost significant money when Stryker and friends took down their drug business.

  “Payback for Afghanistan?” asked Sparks.

  “A possibility,” said Herb.

  “Do you know what Daniel wants done?” asked Stryker.

  “I have no idea; we have to find out from Rachel and Sara,” replied Herb.

  Without new information, Stryker, Herb and Sparks decided to fly on to New York in time to meet Rachel and Sara.

  The meeting was set for 2:00 p.m. near the park. Right on time, Rachel called Stryker’s satellite phone and told him her location. Stryker advised her to go to his condo since she had a key and the security codes.

  Once inside the condo, Rachel and Sara exchanged greetings and hugs from Stryker, Sparks and Herb. They found chairs and moved them in a circle. Rachel immediately began describing details of the bombing. She said Mossad was unsure about a connection to the Iranian terrorist incident in Afghanistan.

  “Apparently, three bombs had been planted in the resort but only one detonated. The bomber, an employee of the resort was killed by security personnel. It was just pure luck more people were not killed or injured. Daniel’s granddaughter remains in critical condition and might not make it. We need to be careful because no direct evidence exists as to those responsible. Any response to the attack is not sanctioned by the Israeli government and that is why Daniel wants us to work through Alpha to find those responsible,” she said.

  “He wants Sara and I to be involved off the record. We entered the United States unnoticed through Canada. Mossad intelligence believes the old man Propov’s son Igor will be meeting in New York with the Russian mob in the next few days. Daniel wants us to grab him and find out what he knows about the attack but we need to stay under the radar. We don’t plan on letting our embassy know we are in the United States since we have Canadian documents,” she continued.

  Stryker acknowledged he understood, then filled them in on the attack against Riley Clark and Ann Connors i
n Central Park.

  “While you are convincing Igor to tell you about the resort attack see what you can find out about who tried to kill Ryan’s niece and her partner. We need names,” he said.

  “Can you do that Sara?”

  What a stupid question, he thought. He had seen the results of her work before.

  “With pleasure,” Sara responded as she twirled her knife.

  Igor Propov had been named by his father as replacement for Aleksey Fedorov, formerly in charge of drug activities in Afghanistan. Igor, unlike his Father, was brutal and sadistic. He killed because he enjoyed it and was the perfect replacement for Fedorov. He had yet to become acquainted with Sara.


  Washington, DC


  He laughed to himself, fighting the wind and snow.

  Global warming… what a joke! He thought as he plowed ahead.

  The Christmas rush was slowed due to poor weather conditions with few people venturing out. He would have stayed inside but needed to meet with an important source concerning the coming campaigns.

  The cab let him out one block from the restaurant since the street was blocked by a broken water line repair. He tugged on his Burberry coat to cover his ears and looked down to protect his face. The snow obliterated the streetlights making the short walk painful. He never saw the man nor heard the silenced pistol as the gale increased.

  The assassin stooped over the man, took his watch and billfold then continued walking, covered by a heavy coat and a hat drawn down low over his face. He removed the suppressor from the Tokarev and recovered the brass from the chamber. He used a particular subsonic round that did not cycle, leaving no evidence at the scene.

  The body was discovered later that night when a restaurant employee leaving work tripped over the snowy figure laying on the sidewalk.

  The police responded and the body was removed from the scene. It would be the next day before identification determined International News senior reporter Paul Jackson had been killed, the victim of an apparent robbery.

  The major networks and cable news outlets ran the story for several days hoping for a break in the investigation. Paul Jackson was one of the establishment media and his death demanded answers.


  The drive south started slowly but picked up as the snow and cold dissipated into rain. Ali Shirazi planned to stay in Alabama for several days before moving on to other places. After passing several low budget motels on the outskirts of Birmingham, he found one that would serve his purposes. The place was off the main highway and near his destination. He took his bag from the car and checked in under the name of Alondo Reyes, using his fake documents and paying cash in advance for two days.

  The morning broke sunny with mild temperatures and no rain in the forecast. Ali drove to the Birmingham Gun Show, bought a ticket and walked inside. He had never seen so many guns and weapons and the place was packed with people. He was virtually unseen in the crowd. Pictures were prohibited so he walked slowly, paying detailed attention to security and types of weapons and ammunition. After spending five or more hours, he had seen enough and went back to the motel. Once in his room he made careful notes about what he had seen and learned from his visit. The next day he would study the outside where the vendors loaded and unloaded their trailers. He planned to travel to several shows before picking the perfect location to obtain weapons to be used later in the summer. Ali had less than five months to prepare and put his operations into action. The civil unrest and election atmosphere was perfect cover for his plans. With the help of his wealthy client, Ali would be furnished with dates and time schedules of planned demonstrations along with schedules of various candidates in various cities on the campaign trail.

  Ali was back, killing the infidels. This time he was killing for money and his client made sure he was properly motivated.

  Ali remembered the long and intensive rehabilitation following his fight with Jake Stryker. He would have died that day but for his assistant who pulled him from the river and moved him thirty miles to medical care. He burned with vengeance thinking about Stryker and then he would smile. His client agreed to take care of Stryker as part of his financial arrangements. Stryker would die at the hands of a vicious Mexican Cartel.

  Allah would be proud, he thought.


  New York City, New York


  Rachel and Sara stayed inside the condo for several days and Sparks returned to Sedona. They made small talk to pass the time about life in Israel and the Iranian problem. Neither woman shared good news, for fear in Israel continued to intensify. Terrorist threats from Syria were spilling over into Lebanon and now there was ISIS moving in all directions. There were no easy answers to the threats. Both women were on edge.

  Rachel’s satellite phone buzzed and it was another agent named Abel. He told Rachel Igor was to arrive in New York on a flight from Canada at six o’clock in the evening. Mossad agents planned to follow him until he left the airport. Rachel thanked him and shut down the phone.

  “How can he fly here?” asked Stryker.

  “We are told he is not on any no-fly lists,” she replied.

  Homeland Security, totally inept, he thought.

  “I will make preparations for tonight. You ladies have any thoughts or weapons I can obtain for you?” asked Stryker.

  “No we are good,” both replied.

  Herb answered his phone on the second ring and Stryker told him to plan on grabbing Igor sometime after six-o’clock. Per previous discussions, two Alpha teams and vehicles were ready for use in the take down. None could be traced nor the men. The Russian mob enforcers guarding Igor would not have a chance. Herb gave Stryker a warehouse location where they would take Igor once he was in custody.

  Stryker gave Herb Igor’s flight number and told him he would meet them later at the warehouse.

  Igor’s plane landed at La Guardia on time. Two Russians waited for him at the baggage claim area while Alpha baggage handlers assured eyes on Igor. Igor arrived, went to the baggage claim and was met by the Russians. They retrieved his bags and exited through the double doors.

  Once outside, the Russians put Igor and his bags into a black SUV. Alpha’s men got the license number and called the outside team waiting to follow.

  The night was cloudy with light rain showers and a cold wind. Traffic was light, most people staying inside bracing for more bad weather.

  Igor’s SUV traveled slowly through an older part of the City near the Stadium. The area consisted of dilapidated buildings and warehouses. Alpha’s teams decided to take down Igor’s SUV with a rolling wedge maneuver on one of the lesser traveled streets.

  The Russians never fired a shot. Alpha’s gas grenades went through the back window of their SUV and all was silent. Igor was removed, and the Russians remained in the SUV passed out from the gas. The entire process took less than three minutes with no casualties.

  Alpha took Igor directly to the warehouse and met Stryker and Herb Miller. Herb led Igor through a hallway to a back room. Igor’s restraints were removed, his hood pulled off and he was pushed through a door into a small room.

  The room was dark and smelled of rotted vegetation. He could see two women with masks, one leaning against the far wall and the other approaching him. Igor charged the woman moving toward him, wrapping his huge arms around her, trying to break her in half. As he rammed her into the wall, the woman slammed both of her hands against his ears. Igor screamed in pain, let go and grabbed his head. Sara then struck his right instep, hearing bones break as Igor wailed, dancing in circles. Both women grabbed him and tied him to a chair.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” Igor screamed in Russian.

  “Who we are is unimportant. What we want are answers. You talk and you might live,” said Rachel in Russian.

  “We believe your father is behind an attack in Burgas and we want names. You understand?”

  “Screw you bitch, I don’t know anything
about an attack,” Igor shouted.

  “Maybe this will help your memory,” as Sara stepped on his foot.

  Igor screamed again but did not give them names. Sara bent low and whispered something to Igor who began to shake and speak quickly, most of the arrogance gone from him. He made it clear Russia was not involved but heard ISIS was responsible.

  “Why are you in New York?” asked Sara.

  “I am here on cartel business. We launder money into diamonds for them. Cruz gives us cash and we exchange it for diamonds,” he said.

  “So, the money is not Russian?” asked Rachel.

  “No, we are just middlemen.”

  “Which cartel?” asked Sara.

  “Pedro Cruz, that’s all I know. He wants his diamonds for a second group of men he is bringing across the border.”

  “You normally do things for people you don’t know well?”

  “Only when I am directed by my superiors. We are the go-between with the Mexican cartel. We pay them for moving our drugs from Afghanistan across the Texas border. That’s all I know.”

  “How much is the second payment?” asked Sara.

  “Payment is in diamonds for transporting ten men. I don’t know the value.”

  “You said a second payment. What happened to the first?”

  “The cartel moved ten across several months ago and we transferred diamonds for that payment.”

  “Who is the client paying for these men?” asked Rachel.

  “I think a wealthy man in Europe. I don’t know his name. We set up a meeting directly with the Mexican.”

  “What’s in it for you to take the risk,” asked Rachel.

  “We get reduced fees for transporting our drugs.”

  “So I can be clear, this mystery man in Europe pays the cartel using your laundered diamonds and for this service the cartel reduces your transport fees. Is this correct?”

  “Yes. We get payments directed to an account in the Caymans which we then convert to diamonds which we pay to the cartel.”