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Deadly Resonse (The Jake Stryker Series Book 1) Page 5

  “Guys, we need to force the assassin to act. I think we should consider attacking one of the Oaizo Cartel’s drug shipments,” said Stryker.

  “Sparks, can you get intelligence on shipments from DEA or other agencies?”

  “I’ll check.”

  Spark’s phone buzzed and he spoke for several minutes before ending the call.

  “That was our analyst and she confirms only a forty percent probability the person in the photo is Ali. There is just not enough picture quality but his size and shape from the file photos seem to lean toward it being him. She found notes in our files and suggested we not forget about Steven Petloki and the Russians.”

  Steven Petloki and the vice president of the United States were partners in arranging defense contracts for companies like Alpha Security. They would make loans to the companies through Petloki Capital and take profits interest in the cash flow from the government contracts. Steven Petloki also arranged with the Russians for transportation of Afghanistan drugs into the United States through Central America and Mexico. It was a staffer of the vice president who leaked Stryker’s classified file to the Russians and ultimately to the Iranian terrorist, Ali Shirazi.

  “The Agency believes Petloki and Branch are no longer involved with the drug trade or the Russians. Jason Branch has announced he intends to run for President in 2016. If the Agency is wrong, then the Russians may view you as a loose end since you know about their sordid past. We need to keep them in mind,” said Sparks.

  “Yeah, well they may be in for a surprise if they are involved,” responded Stryker winking at Dirk.

  “Herb, can you get Daniel to send Rachel and her team. We can put them in one of our safe houses until we get more information on Ali.”

  “Jake, do I need to help with the Berryville arrangements?” asked Herb.

  “No, Sparks can use the Hatchet guys and Morgan.”

  They finished the tour and left the farm, heading back to their respective locations. Dirk Morgan went back with Herb to cement their arrangement. Sparks and Stryker went to Sedona, where Sparks made a call to Riley, who confirmed she found a woman who remembered the two fishermen. She said the shorter man limped. Sparks conveyed this information to Stryker who sat quietly.

  “Well, it looks like we are at a decision point. The Oaizo Cartel guys in Chicago confirmed moving foreigners across the border into Minnesota with more on the way. The chance that Ali is in the United States, along with the attacks in France, sounds like an attack is being planned here. I think we might need to move on the mosque in Minneapolis,” said Stryker.

  “That’s a big step Jake.”

  “You got a problem with it?”


  In for dime or in for a dollar, what the hell is the difference? he thought.


  Monterrey, Mexico


  Pedro Luis Cruz aka ‘El Serpiente’ waited for a call in his estate located between the Gulf Coast and Monterrey, Mexico. Cruz was the head of the Oaizo drug cartel having operational routes from South and Central America through Mexico and across the Texas border. The cartel was small compared to the others, supplying mostly heroin from Afghanistan into the United States. Today, Pedro Cruz wanted information on the attacks against his Chicago operation. Months had passed and no one had taken responsibility. Business had been good until I smuggled the foreigners across the border, he remembered.

  His thoughts stopped as the phone rang. On the other end, he was asked to hold for several minutes.

  “Hello Pedro,” a familiar voice spoke. “I hope you are well and that the business is moving along satisfactorily,” said Steven Petloki.

  “Our business is good but I need to deal with Chicago. If I don’t retaliate I will look weak.”

  “The attack did not come from another cartel so don’t worry. It came from the man named Stryker. He almost stopped our production in Afghanistan but we were lucky that Igor was able to keep product flowing. Our assassin will solve the problem,” replied Petloki.

  “I need this man Stryker’s location. I will send some men to kill him now. We can’t wait on the assassin. I want him dead, everything else can wait,” replied Pedro.

  “I thought you told me the assassin had the location in Arkansas. I don’t have another location, so I think you need to calm down and check back with him,” said Petloki.

  He ended the call while Pedro stared out his window thinking about Stryker.

  Stryker would die soon, thought ‘El Serpiente.’


  Cotulla, Texas


  The Oaizo Cartel was set to make multiple shipments of drugs across the border at Nuevo Laredo. After crossing the border, the traffickers would meet south of the town of Dilley just off Interstate 35.

  Interstate 35 was the busiest land route for narcotic smuggling in the world. The route proceeded northward 1,568 miles ending just past Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota. The highway’s popularity as a Narco-Corridor was a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The enhanced truck traffic made stoppage of drugs a virtual impossibility.

  Spark’s DEA informant confided details of a shipment coming up I-35 in the next two weeks. The DEA was after bigger fish and did not plan any action on this particular shipment. Since the shipment would happen quickly, a Hatchet team needed to be ready soon.

  Sparks planned to maintain intelligence and coordinate the attack with the assistance of Pete, one of Alpha’s men. Herb and Stryker would handle the ground operation with Paul and Henry, who were Alpha operators. The plan was to attack the shipment while the truck was unloading the drugs. The drop and loading area was located one mile west of I-35 on a dirt road near some old warehouses. Sparks planned to fly the location several days prior and find a landing spot to insert the team. He had a friend that owned a ranch south of San Antonio. The friend let Sparks use the hunting lodge, which was empty this time of year. Stryker and the rest of the team planned to travel by vehicle and meet Sparks there.

  “That’s it on the right Paul, you see the gate?” asked Stryker.

  “Got it,” said Paul.

  “The bunk house is down the dirt trail and I doubt Sparks will have lights on. Once we get to the house Henry, you and Pete unload the truck and park it in the barn,” said Stryker.

  Paul, Henry and Pete were former Navy SEALS back from Afghanistan and now working for Alpha Security. All had been involved in major combat and served numerous tours.

  “Gear’s unloaded. You can move to the barn,” yelled Pete.

  “You boys have any trouble with directions?” asked Sparks as Paul walked back to the group from the barn.

  “No, but the weather didn’t help much. I hope you can fly in this mess?” remarked Herb.

  “Not a problem, it gets better as we go south,” said Sparks.

  “We need to leave by 10:00 p.m. to be in place before the shipment transfer takes place. Your regular dark clothes are fine and I brought armored vests with ammo pouches to wear under your windbreakers. With the foul weather we should be fine,” said Sparks.

  “We want to remain unremarkable should anyone see us. The exception will be our night vision with the baseball caps. Any questions?” asked Stryker.

  “Ok, let’s suit up and get ready,” said Herb.

  At 10:00 p.m., Sparks cranked up the helicopter and the team proceeded to the target without incident. Once on the ground, the men spread out and checked communications and weapons. All members of the team carried MP-5 machine guns and 9mm Glock pistols. The exception was the over watch member utilizing a suppressed HK-417, 20” sniper rifle firing 7.62x51 ammunition.

  The combination of light rain and a dark sky allowed the team to blend into the shadows. The night shone green through their PVS-14’s. Using the IR illuminators, they could make out significant details of the warehouses and dirt road. Now they waited and listened.

  “Viper Three to team we have approaching traffic,” said Paul.
r />   “We stay on plan,” replied Stryker.

  During the next hour, six vehicles arrived and men began unloading drugs into the back of a medium sized truck. Close to finishing the unloading, Stryker ordered the attack.

  Quickly, the Hatchet team moved from cover, surprising the cartel members. The team fired controlled suppressed rounds killing six traffickers near the truck. The other cartel members backed away firing full auto AK-47s and entered the warehouse. The Hatchet team started moving toward the truck when suddenly they started taking fire from a pickup truck moving behind them on the road. The pickup blazed away at them from a mounted machine gun in the bed. Stryker radioed Sparks for help, giving the coordinates of the pickup. Sparks was in the air in minutes as the Hatchet team fired on the pickup. The Hatchet team was in trouble. The battle would be over if the other traffickers joined the fight from the warehouse. Taking a big chance, the Hatchet team fell back toward the warehouse and away from safety of covering fire from over watch. The pickup truck kept them pinned between the warehouse and road. They would run dry of ammunition as the pickup truck advanced, then be overrun. Their only option was to close and lock the warehouse door.

  “Viper Two and Three, secure the drug truck. Four come with me. I will close the warehouse door. You guys cover me,” said Stryker as he ran.

  Stryker moved the heavy door slowly while Paul provided full auto fire into the doorway from his M4. Once the door closed with the remaining traffickers inside, Stryker ordered Herb and Henry to set the drug truck on fire. As the door closed, the pickup truck firing from the road moved to finish them off. The pickup was fifty yards away and coming fast when Sparks and Pete arrived. Pete hung out the door of the Huey on a harness firing an M240 7.62 SAW. The pickup was cut down in a matter of seconds. Sparks landed the helicopter on the road near the destroyed pickup.

  “What about the cartel guys still in the warehouse, shall we leave them?” asked Paul.

  “Yeah, we are out of time,” said Stryker.

  “Let’s move out,” Herb yelled as blood ran down his arm.

  The team moved into the helicopter as flames leaped higher and higher behind them. Pete started attending to Herb as the Huey lifted into the dark sky, a reminder of missions past in lands far away.

  Vietnam, thought Herb with a tear in his eye, remembering friends lost and long dead.


  Washington, DC


  The view was spectacular, clear blue skies and unlimited visibility. The White House and the Washington Monument reminded him of his power and importance. He would soon run the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth through his business partner Jason Branch. Clearing the playing field and dispatching old enemies, Steven Petloki would soon have his puppet in place, making him the ultimate power broker. His mind raced, thinking of the possibilities. Through Branch, Petloki Capital had made obscene profits. The Afghanistan partnership with the Russians was huge even considering the discomfort of shutting down the drug operation and making an enemy out of this man Stryker. Branch as President would make previous profits seem insignificant, and make Mother Russia, once again, a super power, he smiled.

  Steven jumped as his satellite phone buzzed, bringing him back to reality. He answered and sat down immediately, clearly shaken.

  “Calm down Pedro, stop shouting. I will cover the loss. It was him, this man Stryker, another competitor would have taken the drugs, not burn them. We should have left him alone, but you wanted him dead. Until we kill him we must hold shipments,” said Pedro.

  “What is the story on our assassin?” asked Petloki.

  “He is in Arkansas with some of my men waiting on Stryker to appear,” responded Pedro.

  Petloki clicked off the phone and decided he would meet with Branch and give him an update in person.

  They met at the Capitol Grill, a favorite restaurant the vice president frequented. The back room was perfect for private conversations and accommodated his Secret Service detail. After Petloki filled him in on the lost shipment, Branch disclosed he planned to step down as vice president in order to run for the presidency. He told Petloki he needed to distance himself from the president’s unpopular administration.

  “I tell you Steven, everyone on the Hill is scared, especially with what is happening in France, Syria and Iraq. I need distance from our present policies. Also, we can’t afford loose ends like Stryker as the campaign moves forward.”

  “I have taken action to remove Stryker. It should be done soon and I will let you know when it is finished,” replied Petloki.

  “Just make sure there are no tracks back to us.”

  “There won’t be, I promise.” said Petloki.


  Washington, DC


  Rachel remained inside Stryker’s safe house not far from CIA headquarters near McLean, Virginia. The house was located in a secure gated area off the Georgetown Pike. Stryker picked the location for its proximity to the CIA and potential as an investment. It was the most expensive safe house she had ever visited.

  Not withstanding the beautiful surroundings, Rachel was bored out of her mind. Sara had returned to Israel for the funeral of Daniel’s granddaughter and she was ordered to stay and help locate Ali. She kept somewhat busy shopping for clothes and getting a complete makeover. Her hair, now shoulder length, was streaked with a touch of blond. New eye and face makeup enhanced the green sparkle in her eyes. At 5’ 6” slender with a well-conditioned body, Rachel was at the top of her game.

  Beware the sea anemone, extremely beautiful and deadly. She laughed.

  Stryker called from the airport and told her to get ready, that he would pick her up in thirty minutes. She quickly found her Frye black riding boots, black tights along with a white opaque blouse and whisky colored short leather jacket. After viewing herself in the mirror, she finished adding a black Gucci wool beret.

  Sea anemone! She laughed again.

  Stryker arrived and came through the front door as she walked out of the bedroom. He was shocked.

  “Rachel, what have you done? You look like fantastic,” he stammered.

  “Now you see what your money can do,” she replied.

  Before she could say anything else, he scooped her up off her feet. They kissed and she thought he would never let her go. “Whoa, mister, it has only been three weeks and you act like I’m a different woman.”

  “I’m speechless and not sure if I am even hungry anymore.”

  “Well… I didn’t go to all this work to get dressed just to get undressed so let’s go. We can take care of your problem later,” she smiled.

  “Maybe we could go to McDonald’s drive through,” he snickered.

  They left the house through the side entrance and went directly to the black BMW coupe. Once out of the gated entrance they headed for Panache at Tyson’s Corner. The upscale restaurant would be perfect to deter any intelligence agencies from listening in on their conversation.

  They parked the car and went inside to their table. Once seated, and glasses of wine ordered, they relaxed… somewhat.

  Stryker proposed a toast to their few days of freedom and Rachel sipped her wine and sighed.

  “Bringing you up to date may result in rambling, but much has happened so be patient if I tell you things you already know,” he said.

  “We have a new team member to work with. He served with me in Iraq and his name is Dirk Morgan. He is black and a Muslim. He warned me about a killer hired by the Oaizo Cartel. We think the killer will make an attempt on me soon since we attacked and burned one of their drug shipments to encourage them.”

  “Any questions so far?” he asked.

  “Yeah, where will the hit take place and tell me you aren’t the bait again?”

  “The place is my Berryville farm and no, I am not the bait exactly. Sparks and Morgan have planned a surprise for our friends. By the way, the killer is known as some mythical demon from South and Central America that drinks its vi
ctim’s blood.”

  “Oh, how nice, I hope he isn’t real. I mean, what if he can’t be killed.”

  “Morgan says if the thing breathes he will kill it and I believe him. He saved me several times in Iraq and most of those people were demon possessed. Dirk is the worst nightmare this guy will ever experience. Trust me.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him, seems like a pleasant guy,” she smiled.

  “You will soon, now let’s cover other issues.”

  “We believe Ali is here in the United States. The pictures sent by the FBI are not conclusive but a witness says one of the men in the picture limped. Couple the witness statement with the cartel guys telling us they smuggled foreign men across the border to Minnesota, makes me believe he is here. Sparks says the second group of foreign fighters are to be moved across the border next month.”

  “How does Ryan know the timing?” she asked.

  “From his DEA contact who gave him the timing about the drug shipment we burned,” he responded.

  “Ok, let’s assume Ali is in the United States and will assemble his men in Minnesota. How do we proceed?” she asked.

  Their food arrived and after the waiter left the table, Stryker explained he needed her team to plan surveillance on a mosque located in Minneapolis.

  “Sparks tells me the men are delivered direct to the mosque from the Texas border. They are most likely taken somewhere else. We don’t believe they stay at the mosque,” said Stryker. “We still have nothing solid on the bombing for Daniel. The Russians point fingers at the Pakistani Prince but we checked through our source in Geneva and he says the Prince was not involved.”

  “Don’t worry, the Mossad will find them,” she responded.

  “I had Sparks build a back story for you and a passport for a trip to Davos, Switzerland. The Prince will be in attendance at the World Economic Summit and it could be interesting to see who he hangs with. Maybe if we are lucky we can find some leads,” replied Stryker.